Mormon Memorabilia banner



Sell Your Items:

Would you like to sell your memorabilia from our web site?  We are happy to list your items on consignment (at this time generally we do not purchase memorabilia - very rare exceptions may be made).  You keep the item and drop ship when the sale is made.  Our arrangements are:

  • Books and all printed material (we will help determine approximate sale value [2012 revised schedule] - be sure to compare our rates to other dealers):
    Fee at the time of sale:
    Books up to $250 35%
    $251 - $400 30%
    $401 - $500 28%
    $501 - $750 26%
    $751 - $1000 24%
    $1001 - $1500 22%
    $1501 - $3000 20%
    $3001 - $5000 18%
    $5001 - $10,000 16%
    $10001+ Contact us

  • Furniture and other Mormon memorabilia: a 75/25 split on most items.  In exceptional cases, we are willing to negotiate a different split.  We will help determine sale value.

Please contact us by e-mail, giving us a phone number and best times to call you.

We require:

  1. Detailed Description:
    A complete detailed description (for books, use the format we have on our detailed book descriptions (click here example).  Also see our book conditions info linked to from booksIt is critical that you accurately describe the condition of any books you wish us to sell.  Your description should include items such as bumped corners, dog-eared pages, underlining, notations, etc.  Items that are not delivered in the condition specified may be returned and a refund demanded (with consequential damage to our reputation).  Books that are not accurately described and delivered in unacceptable condition, will not only result in no payment, but all books by that consignor pulled from our listings.  We believe all will understand the fairness of this policy.
  2. Money from sale:
    The amount of money you want to realize from the transaction.
  3. Contact Information:
    Your location, with all contact information (in the Consignment Agreement).
  4. Item Image:
    A scanned image or photo of the item(s).
  5. Consignment Agreement:
    The consigner to electronically fill out and sign our Consignment Agreement.

We will assign you a consignor number and a consignment number for each item and send a detailed list to you, via e-mail.  You will receive your portion of payment after the client pays for and receives their merchandise on the next payment cycle.  This helps folks stay honest.  We are happy to provide references upon request.  We reserve the right to refuse any item.

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Featured Items:

Pearl of Great Price - 18821882 Pearl of Great Price. More info.....

Worlds Largest 1800s
Print Collection:

LDS woodcut/ lithographs/ etc. print collection now available.  More info...

Price drastically reduced!

The Journal of Discourses!
Reprint SOLD OUT!
For Reprint info and Waiting list, please click on
Contact Us

One used set available
Journal of Discourses

Coming soon:  Two religious prints from the 1700s.
Silver Sacrament CupRare Schaub silver LDS Sacrament cup.  More info....